Empowering families of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities
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Reaching Families have been commissioned by NHS Sussex to pilot and develop a new support service for parent-carers of children undergoing assessment on the West Sussex Neurodevelopmental Pathway. Our new service is now available to parent-carers via referralĀ from a professional working with their child.

The NDP Navigation Service provides information, training and support to parent-carers of children and young people waiting on, undergoing or completed an assessment for ADHD, Autism and other neurodevelopmental conditions. The project consists of the following elements:

  1. Initial telephone support to establish the needs of families accessing the service
  2. Information and resources on your child's condition and needs
  3. Training workshops and courses on neurodiversity
  4. Access to a specially trained parent-carer befriender with a similar lived experience
  5. Access and support in attending one of our parent-carer support groups
  6. Access to other Reaching Families services
  7. Signposting to other relevant projects and services

Who is eligible to access the service?

The NDP Navigation Service is available to parent-carers of children and young people who are at one of the following stages of the West Sussex Neurodevelopmental Pathway.

  • The point of referral to the NDP
  • Whilst the child/young person is waiting for assessment
  • During the assessment process
  • When a diagnosis has been given
  • If no diagnosis has been received, but traits of a neurodevelopmental condition have been identified
  • Up to 12 months following diagnosis

What we cannot help with

We cannot make referrals to the Neurodevelopmental Pathway, influence the neurodevelopmental assessment process or provide a key working service. We are also unable to provide crisis support.

How to access the service

Support from our NDP Navigation Service is available to parent-carers of children and young people who are on the West Sussex Neurodevelopmental Pathway. Referral must be made by a professional working with their child. Please download the accompanying referral form (Word document).

Following referral to the navigation service you will be contacted by one of our NDP Support Workers who will help with signposting, accessing information and training and where necessary, provide you with other short term support.