Empowering families of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities
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2023-24 Impact Report

We are thrilled to present our year in numbers for 2023/24 which gives an overview of our delivery and impact during the year. A more detailed account of the year can be found in our 2023/24 Impact Report, available on our Impact page.

Benefits Advice Service

We are delighted that Reaching Families' Benefits Advice Service restarted on the 10th June.

Thanks to almost £90,000 in funding from The National Lottery Community Fund we have been able to appoint a new benefits advisor and support worker to advise parent-carers on applications for Carers Allowance, DLA and PIP and undertake claim checks in advance of submitting. A benefits team administrator will also be joining us in June.

Parents can self refer to the service and book appointments via our Benefits Advice page.

As always, we would advise parents to book their appointments well in advance of submission deadlines as we are expecting demand for the service to be very high. Statutory and voluntary agencies can also refer parent-carers to the service via benefits@reachingfamilies.org.uk.

NDP Navigation Service

Thanks to funding from NHS Sussex Reaching Families are delighted to announce the launch of our NEW NDP NAVIGATION SERVICE!

This service is now up and running and our dedicated NDP support workers have been busy with many new referrals coming in each week. The team can provide information, training, signposting and support to parent-carers of children and young people who are on the West Sussex neurodevelopmental pathway. If you think you would benefit from this service please speak to a professional working with your child about making a referral.

Please see our dedicated NDP Navigation page for more details.

NDP Service postcard

Animation on Reaching Families

We are delighted to present our latest animation, a short two minute film giving an overview of our one stop shop of services and the many ways we can support families of children with additional needs. Take a look on our animations page and see how we can support you.